Articles on investing, personal finance
and financial planning articles
Hover your mouse on links for a description.
After two crashes in fifteen years, is the stock market cheap yet?
Find out your market pain threshold
How much equity over a certain investment horizon?
The stock market correction of August 2015
Investing is like dieting
When does the long term start?
Investing: yesterday, today and tomorrow
Investing in four words: compounded, real, net, return
How compounding really makes money
Trying to gain rather than avoiding to lose
What is risk? Long term
short term
Stocks may bark, but it is bonds that bite
Even a conservative investment should have stocks
Would you rather have to save €25 000 or €85 000 to prepare for retirement?
Do you save for your retirement or that of a banker?
Nobody's (forced to be) perfect
Ready-to-invest, or The illusion of personal financial advice
Who's afraid of the 1929–1932 market crash?
Reading performance charts
Investing: Is investing the same as saving? [pdf]
Four misconceptions on risk [pdf]
Should you invest in Lilliput's actively managed funds?
Cost matters [pdf]
Investing: Mutual funds [pdf]
Turning a risk into a cost
Bond + age = financial bondage
Quantitative asset allocation and portfolio optimization
Risk and return [pdf]
Time matters [pdf]
Drawing an income [pdf]
For the short term [pdf]
Choosing an investment portfolio needs not be guesswork
Investing: Regular investments [pdf]
Investing by numbers
Real estate
British property market [pdf]
Mortgage loans [pdf]
© Mathieu Bouville
, May 2017