Get an insightful peer review with in-depth feedback and applicable recommendations to improve your article or dissertation before anybody else sees it — you do not get a second chance to make a first impression.

I have a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Michigan (in the USA) and did research in Singapore and at the University of Cambridge. I am first author of a dozen journal articles in materials science and applied physics and in applied mathematics, including two in Physical Review Letters (and even some in finance and philosophy).

Let me spot weaknesses in your article so editors do not get a chance to
(also works with dissertations and professors)

Get in-depth feedback and practical advice

I will review the article and provide you with a report, similar to that of journal referees (the good, thorough ones, that is), giving you detailed feedback and pertinent recommendations on topics such as:

What I will and will not do

→ I can also translate scientific and technical articles between English and French.

Contact me today and tell me about your writing.

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